International Donors – including UK Tax Payers

Alumni in the UK or elsewhere in the world can donate to the Cranfield Australian Alumni Scholarship via Cranfield University’s Alumni Relations & Development Office.

If you are a UK-taxpayer making this gift from a personal account, you can increase the donation value by 25% with Gift Aid  at no extra cost to you. Please contact the Alumni Relations & Development Office if you are happy to add Gift Aid. 

To ensure that your donation is allocated to CAASF, please please make sure to specify in the ‘comments/notes’ section that your gift is intended for the “Australian Alumni Scholarship”.

Bank account details: Cranfield University No.2 Account
Bank Name: NatWest at Cranfield
Sort Code: 60-06-56, 
Account Number: 00516228
IBAN/BIC/SWIFT: NWBKGB2L <add sort code and account number>

Reference information to ensure that it is allocated correctly to the Australian Alumni Scholarship please add ‘8200 X5161N’ and your name. 


There are a number of different ways in which you can donate to the scholarship.

  1. Online: Cranfield University has a secure online giving facility;
  2. By post: Please download a Gift Form, complete and return it to the Alumni Relations & Development Office, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, United Kingdom;
  3. Bank transfer: to the account details given above.
  4. Payroll giving (eg. Give As You Earn): If your employer has a payroll giving scheme you can give to the Scholarship through this method. Click here for more information about payroll giving or contact the Alumni Relations & Development Office if you have any questions;
  5. Matched giving: Some companies will match philanthropic gifts that their employees make. Please contact the Alumni Relations & Development Office if your employer has agreed to match your gift.