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Mahesh Roy, Twelfth Scholarship Winner, 2019
2019 Winner of the Twelfth Scholarship
Mahesh Roy
Currently National Head of Healthcare in Macquarie Group’s Banking and Financial Services division, Mahesh has 18 years’ experience in the banking sector, starting in a call centre at St George Bank soon after finishing high school. Sustained career progression in leadership and strategy positions left little time for study; however, he attained a Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning) and a Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Adelaide University) during this time. He was promoted to Director at Macquarie in 2014 as head of the Financial Services segment, with the team growing to over $1b in loans and deposits since the lows of the Global Financial Crisis when he joined in 2009.
Mahesh is thrilled at the prospect of enriching his vocationally acquired skills with academic theory and practice through his MBA. His excitement is particularly directed towards Cranfield, a renowned institution, because of its international focus, deep industry links, and rich history in business and management studies.
He will use his MBA to progress his career – not only to focus on financial growth and the expected dividends but also on how business leaders can encourage the propagation of social dividends that contribute to a business’s employees and the communities they serve.
Growing up on the south coast of NSW, Mahesh has a strong affinity with the outdoors. Among many active pursuits, he enjoys the beach and hiking whenever he can get the chance to escape the city. He is an avid reader and attends sports and music events regularly.